Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring Gardening in the Altamont Pass

I know it's still February, but I'm already itching to get started with my spring gardening.  Two summers ago we had a great big, bountiful backyard vegetable garden.  Last year - not so much.  We just didn't put the same effort into it that we had the year before.  So this year, I'm determined to have a large garden (and to keep the dogs from eating my plants before they can grow.)  

It seems it took adding a lot of nutrients to our soil to get it to produce anything.  I suspect it's because we're on old farm land that has had nutrients pulled out of the soil for years. We like a fish guts mixture for fertilization that you can purchase at Lowes or Home Depot called "Alaska Fish Fertilizer."  It smells really bad for a couple of days but it seems to make a big difference in our garden.  (We also try to use our own compost, using produce scraps from our house to make a nice rich soil, but we were getting too many visitors from raccoons and possums so we've stopped doing that until we can get a compost bin with a lid.)

I am also interested in finding some plants for our front yard that are fairly drought tolerant.  I've found that the each county's Master Gardeners websites are great resources for finding plants that are best for your local climate.  Alameda County Master Gardeners even have a "water wise" demonstration garden at the Martinelli Center in Livermore. 

Here's the Master Gardeners site for San Joaquin County: http://sjmastergardeners.ucdavis.edu/

And here's the site for Alameda County: http://acmg.ucdavis.edu/

I hope to share some pictures from our garden and what we produce!

What are your gardening plans for the year?  What plants have you had good luck or bad luck with?

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