Friday, March 16, 2012

Something Fun: Limericks About Where You Live

I was listening to the radio this morning and they asked people to call in with limericks about their hometown, and I thought that was a fun idea. So, I'd love to hear yours.  Please share them in the comments below.  And just so that you don't feel too embarrassed, I'll share mine, since I'm sure yours will be much better.

I think that I never have seen
A sight that is quite so pristine
As the trees and the grass
Of the Altamont Pass
When, like my dear Ir'land, are green

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Bargain Alert: Free French Fries from Burger King This Weekend

This Saturday, March 17th and Sunday, March 18th, Burger King is giving away a free value size french fry to every customer, with no purchase necessary.  And to celebrate St. Patty's Day, they're serving them with a special green sauce.  I'm not sure if that's gross or fun, but who can pass up some tasty, free french fries?

Click here for more info:

Something Fun: Discover Chocolate Making With a Free Class Today or Sunday

Yelp is having an event called, Yelp's Field Trip and they're offering free classes and experiences throughout the Bay Area.  Unfortunately it's mostly over, but I found this one that sounds really fun: A World of Chocolate at Nuubia Chocolat.  Nuubia Chocolate is located in Pleasanton, and in this free class you'll learn about how Chef du Chocolat, Lionel Clement creates beautiful and delicious chocolate confections with environmentally sensitive ingredients.  And hopefully you'll get to taste some of the delicious treats.

Classes are:

Friday, March 16th at 4:00 PM: click here to RSVP for this class.

Sunday, March 18th at 3:00 PM: click here to RSVP for this class.

Have fun!